Planet Patriots on Stamps and First Day Covers

This portion of our website features a virtual collection of collectible stamps and First Day Covers on the topic of people who are Patriots for our Planet Earth – conservationists, naturalists, explorers, and environmentalists. Many of the links below go to our Authors page; others are dedicated just for the postage stamp or first day cover representing that person. The First Day Cover on the right celebrates the entire human population, who hold the fate of the Earth in their hands, and if our species and our planet are to survive, must all become Planet Patriots sooner or later!
Especially featured in this section are “First Day Covers” and “Commemorative/Event Covers” related to the postage stamps or people represented here.
What are “First Day Covers”? They are artistic renderings (“cachets”) printed on an envelope along with the relevant postage stamp and postmark. I am a member of the American First Day Cover Society, Membership No. 25777.
John Muir Postage Stamps and Covers are the largest collection on this site, featuring the two U.S. postage stamps printed in honor of the “Father of Our National Parks.” That section includes dozens of First Day and Commemorative Covers.
Many other Planet Patriots from past and present are represented on this site as well. The most recent addition celebrates the 2022 postage stamp release for Pete Seeger.
We would like to make this collection as complete as possible! If you know of collectible stamps or First Day Covers for Planet Patriots not represented here, please e-mail me a scan for inclusion on this website. If you do not have access to a scanner, please send a color photocopy.
Some of these links (alphabetical by last name) go to an older design of our website, but the content remains accurate. Please use the “back” button to return to this page.
- Ansel Adams
- Johnny Appleseed
- Smokey Bear (See also Rudolph Wendelin)
- David Brower
- Rachel Carson
- Jacques Cousteau
- J.N. “Ding” Darling
- Dian Fossey
- Al Gore
- Denis Hayes
- Alexander von Humboldt
- Robinson Jeffers – Learn about this amazing poet and see the postage stamp and First Day Covers celebrating him.
- Lady Bird Johnson
- Joseph Wood Krutch
- Aldo Leopold
- John Muir – Introduction to the two John Muir U.S. postage stamps and related First Day Covers.
- Ian McHarg
- J. Sterling Morton
- Albert Schweitzer
- Pete Seeger
- Sting
(Gordon Sumner) - Henry David Thoreau – Bio, Quotes, Further Reading, and Stamps and Covers
- Greta Thunberg (PDF)
- Stewart Udall
- Paul Winter
- Palau’s Environmental Heroes of 20th Century – This sheet of 16 Environmental Heroes of the 20th century was issued on February 1, 1999 by the Pacific island nation of Palau. Mostly represents American environmentalists, but includes several British environmentalist as well, primarily philanthropists.
- Rudolph Wendelin Stamp Collection, 1958 – 1964 – an artist for the U.S. Forest Service who popularized the U.S. Forest Service’s mascot Smokey Bear and designed several stamp series related to significant figures and events in conservation and forestry. including stamps and First Day Covers for John Muir and Smokey Bear – – from the Forest History Society
Site by Harold Wood, Member of the American First Day Cover Society and the Philatelic Webmasters Organization.