Sermons and Presentations

by Harold Wood

Most, but not all, of my inter-denominational presentations are on environmentally-related topics, flowing from my Pantheist approach to religion and aligned with the principle of what UU’s call “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.”  I go along with singer-songwriter Peter Mayer that we must cherish “Our Blue Boat Home.”

Given the trends described below, I am now a UU apostate.  However, during the time I was a leader in my small congregation, I made numerous presentations largely focused on what I call here “Planet Patriotism,” for the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Visalia (and occasionally in other venues). 

Sadly, organized Unitarian Universalists (under the national UUA) appear to have largely strayed from their traditional insistence on universal tolerance rooted in free discussion done respectfully, a process firmly grounded in the Enlightenment Ideal of Reason.  Instead, the national denomination has now embraced a new form of left-wing dogmatism which goes so far as to stolidly embrace a rejection of reason and logic, calling them expressions of white supremacy. Unfortunately, what was once considered the most liberal church in America has  abandoned the basic focus of spirituality aligned with science, to instead embrace anthropocentrism, identity politics, and tribalism. Worst of all, the traditional universal “Enlightenment” values of freedom, reason, and tolerance are increasingly abandoned in favor of  ideological intolerance, especially manifesting in so-called progressive organizations everywhere.  For more about this, see Intolerance and Illiberalism in Unitarian Universalism by David Cycleback  (July 5, 2022). Fortunately, recently a new Unitarian organization has formed  that returns to supporting and promoting the traditional practice of liberal religion by embracing freedom, reason, and tolerance in pursuit of their individual paths:  North American Unitarian Association.

One of my first UU projects, beginning in 2005, was to lead the congregation to establish a Green Sanctuary, which after a “certification” process for the “greening” of the church building (if any) and its congregants,  encourages regular reminders of our responsibilities in the web of life. (Most liberal faith groups have something equivalent and even some evangelical churches point to the importance of  “preserving creation.”) My approach has always been one grounded in embracing the importance of individual pathways to spirituality and personal theological choices, celebrating freedom of expression, with tolerance as the fundamental goal.  In my view, the golden core of religion is a rejection of not merely racism and tribalism among people, but a rejection of anthropocentric thinking entirely. 

  • October 1, 2022 – Pete Seeger – Planet Patriot and Pantheist – by Harold Wood – This essay, updated from a May 4, 2014 live presentation, celebrates folksinger Pete Seeger, who said that his mission in life was “speaking truth to power – without being thrown in jail too often”!
  • February 16, 2020 – “Evolution as the Key to Understanding God, the Universe, and Everything.” Celebrating Charles Darwin’s birthday with a special “Evolution Sunday” service dedicated to the principle that Evolution is a light illuminating all we know about the universe and ourselves, sharing series of inspirational messages from noteworthy evolutionists, and featuring a short sermon from Episcopalian minister Reverend Russell G. Ruffino.
  • February 2, 2020 – “Blessing of the Animals” – Will you bring your favorite cow? A lucky spider? A special hedgehog? Or your dearly loved cat or dog? You can bring any animal from an amoeba to an elephant as long as they are well-behaved and well-contained (leash, tank, crate, petri dish).   Or you can bring a stuffed animal, a photo print, or even just a picture on your cell phone, or bring them in your hearts. We may remember pets no longer with us as well as our current companions, wildlife, and fellow mortals.  We shall sing out; and we shall appreciate all that animals do for us. Presented by Cortney Welborn and Harold Wood.
  • November 17, 2019 – “Green Burials: Pathways to ecologically sustainable burials and memorials.” 
  • January 6, 2019 – “Celebrating the Wit and Wisdom of Alan Watts on his 104th Birthday – A Pantheist Perspective.” An updated written version of this presentation is available –  Alan Watts  – A Pantheist Unitarian Universalist Mystic Social Critic and Spiritual Entertainer –  (PDF) – Excerpted in Pantheist Vision Vol., 38, No. 4, Winter 2021-2022.
  • September 23, 2018 – Climate Change Solutions from NASA and Others by Harold and Janet Wood 
  • September 12, 2018 – November 14, 2018 (5 session discussion class) “Our Place In the Web of Life: An Introduction to Environmental Justice.”
  • April 8, 2018 – “The Earth Wisdom of John Muir” – A presentation reviewing the book Earth Wisdom: John Muir, Accidental Taoist, Charts Humanity’s Only Future on a Changing Planet by Raymond Barnett (2016). How John Muir’s “accidental Taoist” world view replaces the West’s anthropocentric worldview, offering a path to becoming whole with the natural world and dealing with the existential challenge of climate change. 
  • December 31, 2017 – Ritual for the New Year – Purging and Renewal – guidelines for responding to Key Questions To Ask Yourself for the New Year
  • July 23, 2017 – How the Sikh Langar Came to the Visalia UU Fellowship by Katherine Singh, Daljit Singh, with Introduction and Video Links by Harold Wood
  • May 28, 2017 – Evolution Sunday: Religious Leaders Speaking Out for Science, presented by Harold Wood Reflecting writings by Michael Zimmerman and the Clergy Letter Project
  • March 9 2014 – Evolution Sunday: “Meditation on our Ancestors” by Jon Cleland-Host, adapted by Harold Wood (complete order of service)
  • February 25, 2013 – “Celebrating and Teaching the Epic of Evolution” – Celebrating “Evolution Sunday” and the theme of evolutionary spirituality, and why we need to provide this scientifically valid and spiritually enriching view to our children and youth as an alternative to fundamentalist world views.
  • April 22, 2012 – “John Muir as Spiritual Guide” – illustrated Keynote presentation, updating my 2010 presentation on the topic.
  • January 2, 2012 – “Celebrate World Peace Day” Singing from our new Peace & Justice songbook. Practice Peace – ritually purging and shredding the list of things you want to stop doing, abandon, or give up for the new year.
  • September 25, 2011 – “The Spirituality of Service”
  • February 20, 2011 – Evolution Sunday – “Evolution for Everyone” You don’t have to be a biologist to be an Evolutionist! Learn how the science of natural selection can be applied to all kinds of topics, including human behavior, environmental protection, and the evolution of religion.
  • August 29, 2010 – “The Neo-humanism of Paul Kurtz” – The man credited with virtually inventing “secular humanism” now parts ways with humanists who advocate intolerance against people of religious faith rather than finding common ground.
  • April 25, 2010 – “John Muir as Spiritual Guide.” Describes how John Muir’s life and writings offers insights into the nature of Divinity and Reality in the natural world.
  • February 21, 2010 – “Evolution Sunday: Evolution: What’s in It For Me?” Adapted from the “Cultivating Cosmic Conciousness” (online course) by Gail Collins-Ranadive.
  • November 15, 2009 – “Annual Blessing of the Animals & The Inspirational Animal World of Joseph Krutch”
  • September 27, 2009 – Ralph Waldo Emerson and Taoism. Led by Harold and Janet Wood. Review of the book, The Tao of Emerson.
  • August 23 and August 30, 2009 – Viewing of video play: Walden: Ballad of Thoreau, followed by discussion, Parts 1 and 2. This is the story of the final two days Henry David Thoreau spent in his cabin before leaving Walden Pond. Ralph Waldo Emerson, respected essayist and former minister, gave Thoreau the small plot of land along the shores of Walden Pond to build his cabin and live for two Ry ears. In this play, most of the conversation between Thoreau and Emerson are actual quotes culled from the body of their literary work. The Walden play is presented as a celebration of the Earth, a celebration of nature, and a celebration of an American literary giant.
  • July 12, 2009 – Report of 2009 General Assembly.
  • October 5, 2008 – Albert Schweitzer, Honored Unitarian (PDF) – Second Annual Blessing of the Animals; compiled by Harold Wood from various sources.
  • June 22, 2008 – “UU’s Take on Global Warming” – updated version of previous presentation, adding information beyond the Statement of Conscience information about the UU Ministry for Earth and the Low Carbon Diet Challenge. Presented at UU Fellowship of Porterville.
  • October 7, 2007 – “Blessing of the Animals” – Special service honoring companion animals and wildlife, co-lead with L.D. Theme this year was from St. Francis of Assisi.
  • August 19, 2007 – “Experience” by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Deeply introspective essay of Emerson struggling for a perspective to reconcile faith and skepticism, acknowledging life’s limitations as well as celebrating its possibilities. Discussion led by Harold Wood. (Part of summer Emerson as Spiritual Guide discussion series.)
  • July 29, 2007 – Report on 2007 General Assembly – by Harold, Janet & April
  • July 8, 2007 – Emerson Discussion Series Session 5: “Self-Reliance.” Discussion led by Harold Wood on what is perhaps Emerson’s most famous essay, which celebrates genius as a current of energy or power that can be tapped.
  • April 22, 2007 – “Change a Light, Change the World”
    Earth Day presentation -Special slide show going beyond the basics of Compact Fluorescent Lights: Summary | Power Point
  • December 10, 2006 – “UU’s Take on Global Warming”
    A Visual Summary of the Unitarian Universalist Statement of Conscience on Global Warming and Climate Change.
    Download illustrated sermon: PDF | Power Point
  • August 20, 2006 – “Spiritual Journeys” two members, Sandy Beals and Harold Wood, shared how their life experiences led them to Unitarian Universalism. Even though both have dropped many of their childhood beliefs about religion, they found that their fundamental values about respect for others and appreciation for the great Mystery remain intact and find full expression in Unitarian Universalism.
  • April 23, 2006 – “Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Carbon Offsets ”
    A special Earth Sunday presentation.
    Download illustrated sermon: PDF | Power
    Download handout: UU Ministry for Earth & Carbon Fund (PDF)
  • March 19, 2006 – “Restore Hetch Hetchy – Yosemite’s Buried Mountain Temple”
    Imagine the opportunity we have to allow Nature to re-create another Yosemite Valley. Imagine the opportunity we have to allow Nature to restore Yosemite National Park’s Hetch Hetchy Valley, the place John Muir called “a grand landscape garden, one of Nature’s rarest and most precious mountain temples.” We viewed a video on restoring Hetch Hetchy, and I discussed the solutions which can replace the water and energy that would otherwise be lost if O?Shaughnessy Dam were removed and Yosemite?s Hetch Hetchy Valley were restored.
  • January 29, 2006: “Matthew Fox’s Creation Spirituality”
    Presentation by Harold Wood (1 MB – PDF)
    96 Theses by Matthew Fox (224 kb – PDF)
  • December 11, 2005: “Creating a Green Sanctuary: Environmentally Friendly Practices for Unitarian Universalist Churches”, by Harold Wood.
    Power Point Presentation (3.1 MB)
    PDF (1.4 MB)
  • November 6, 2005: “United Nations Sunday”
    Achieving Goals for Our World Community: Unitarian Universalism and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals
  • September 25, 2005: I presented a service and read Nature and the Universe as a Spiritual Path by Dr. Paul Harrison. Introducing the Pantheist approach to spirituality.
  • July 10, 2005 – Led discussion on “Global Warming and Other Environmental Concerns” including the UU Ministry for Earth and the California Interfaith Power and Light.
  • April 10th, 2005 – Special early viewing of “Oil on Ice”. This hour-long DVD depicts the battle over oil development within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Regular service followed, with an excerpt and summary of the film, with me leading a discussion and a brief session on “What You Can Do.”