
The First Earth Day –  1/2 hour YouTube video interview of Harold Wood celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, telling stories of the first Earth Day and how far the movement has progressed.

Alan Watts  – A Pantheist Unitarian Universalist Mystic Social Critic and Spiritual Entertainer –  (PDF) – Excerpted in Pantheist Vision Vol., 38, No. 4, Winter 2021-2022.

John Muir and the Animal Kingdom – Power Point presentation (First presented at LeConte Memorial Lodge in 2008, and updated for the Tulare County Audubon Society and other venues.)

John Muir in India – Paper & Power Point Presentation (book version in process)

History of the Wilderness Act – Presented to the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Wilderness Act (Albuquerque, NM)

The Continuing Inspiration of John Muir – Power Point Presentation (First presented at Sequoia Natural History Association seminar on John Muir, October, 2004)

John Muir Around the World – Power Point Presentation (Since 2003)