Green Burial

Every year, more people are becoming aware of the impact their daily decisions have on the world around them. Many people have found that natural burial is more compassionate for their families and the earth.
With a green or natural burial, the body is buried in an eco-friendly casket or shroud that allows the body to return to the earth in a natural setting. No embalming fluids are needed, so the body can safely become part of the natural environment.
Current commercial burial practices typically involve transporting a loved one’s body to a mortuary, replacing the blood with embalming fluid, purchasing an elaborate and expensive metal or hardwood casket. This is followed by interment in a thick metal and concrete vault. Many people apparently believe these practices will preserve the body, but they actually only serve to delay its decomposition.
Green Burial substitutes a way of caring for the dead with minimal environmental impact that aids in the conservation of natural resources, reduction of carbon emissions, protection of worker health, and the restoration and/or preservation of habitat. For a beautiful natural of a natural burial site (located in the UK, where the green burial movement began), see Clandon Wood natural burial site. Not anything like a “cemetery” as you typically think of one, it is a final resting place for our loved ones that is primarily a nature reserve. The grounds are managed to benefit local wildlife and natural vegetation. A combination of meadowland and a restored forest of trees blend into a landscape preserving and enhancing native biodiversity.This page offers more information and resources on this important topic.
I am frequently asked what the health and safety risks of Green Burial are. This article puts to rest the many myths and concerns that people have:
The Science Behind Green and Conventional Burial
by Lee Webster (2023)
Here are some of my “Green Burial” projects:
- Green Burials – Pathways to Ecologically Sustainable Burials and Memorials – presentation by Harold Wood 17 Nov 2019 (PDF)
- Checklist for Putting Your Life and Death in Order (PDF)
- Discussion Class Syllabus – Green Burial and Family Friendly Memorial Services (PDF)
- California Green Burial Wiki
- Green Burial Project – Resources for Unitarian Universalists
- Songs and Poetry for the Green Burial Movement
- John Muir Quotes About Death (PDF) – from John Muir Global Network
- Green Burial and Conservation Cemeteries – feature article in Pantheist Vision, Vol., 37, No. 2, Summer, 2020 (PDF on
For more information about the Green Burial movement see:
- Green Burial Council – Pre-eminent website for information about natural, or green burial, in North America.
- California Green Burial Network – Information exchange for members of the public, professionals, and green cemeteries, for local and state-wide efforts encouraging California Green Burial Council certified services in California. The focus of this network is for planning and advocacy for green (natural) burials, at the personal, community, and state-wide level, within the state of California.