Dave Foreman
(October 18, 1947 – September 19, 2022)
Dave Foreman was one of the most inspiring and visonary conservationists of our time.
As Conrad Reining of The Wildlands Network puts it: “Anyone who met Dave knows he was a force of nature—in more than one sense.” At the end of his fiery speeches, he would lead everyone listening in a wild wolf howl. He had a great sense of humor, too. At the 2014 Wilderness Act 50th Anniversary, he had the people substituting the “chickadee -dee -dee” warble, arguing that we needed to protect not only iconic mega-fauna species like wolves, but even the little birds in the forests like Chickadees.
Dave’s passionate, uncompromising advocacy for the natural world in its primeval forms made many uncomfortable. But as Reining says, “Yet his vision — of healing a world of wounds, of valuing wild nature in its own right — is a lodestar for millions of people across the world.”
Most famous perhaps as a co-founder of the “no compromise for Mother Earth” environmental organization Earth First!, but most important is his vision for continental-scale “rewilding.” The word was coined by Foreman in 1992. Since then rewilding has gone mainstream; the United Nations recently embraced it as one of several strategies for meeting a 10-year global goal to restore 2.5 billion acres, an area roughly the size of China, in an effort to slow climate change and species extinctions.
Foreman co-founded the Wildlands Network in 1991. In 1997, Foreman co-founded the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance. In 2003, Foreman and the board of directors of the Wildlands Project founded a new think tank, the Rewilding Institute, dedicated to “the development and promotion of ideas and strategies to advance continental-scale conservation in North America and to combat the extinction crisis.”
He was the influential author of regular columns titled “Around the Campfire, published for years in both the Earth First! Journal and later in the more intellectual magazine Wild Earth for many years. He continued new columns of “Around the Campfire” on the Wildlands Project website.

Further Reading
- Dave Foreman’s Wild Legacy by New Mexico Wilderness Alliance
- Remembering Dave Foreman, an “Unapologetic Warrior for Nature” by The Wildlands Network
- Dave Foreman – Remembering a Father Tree by the Global Rewilding Alliance (September 28, 2022)
A tribute to Dave Foreman (1946–2022) by John Davis, The Ecological Citizen. Davis worked closely with Foreman for decdes; he was editor of Wild Earth from 1991–96. (PDF)
- The Real Wilderness Idea by Dave Foreman (debunking the myth that the concept of “wilderness” is a white, western construct.)
Recommended Books
- Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching (1991)
- The Lobo Outback Funeral Home, a novel (2004)
- Confessions of an Eco-Warrior (1991)
- Rewilding North America: A Vision for Conservation in the 21st Century (2004)
- The Big Outside (with Howie Wolke)
- Man Swarm: How Overpopulation is Killing the Wild World (2011)