My Books

The Life and Letters of John Muir, One Hundredth Anniversary 2023 Reprint
In 2023, Crazy Wisdom Publishing published the second volume of the 100th Anniversary Edition of The Life and Letters of John Muir with an introduction by Muir scholar and Curator for the John Muir Papers at the University of the Pacific Michael Wurtz, and an epilogue by independent Muir scholar and webmaster Harold Wood. While the letters of this volume cover the period from 1873 to 1903, Wood’s epilogue covers the last 100 years of the evolution of the conservation movement since 1903 through 2023..
eBook Now Available – Paperback coming soon!
I Love Them All:
A Veterinarian’s 92 years celebrating people and animals
by Dr. Harold Wm. Wood, D.V.M.
Edited by Harold W. Wood, Jr.
My father, Dr.Harold Wm. Wood, D.V.M., can be considered a true Planet Patriot as he worked for over 50 years as a veterinarian. His inspiring philosophy of life was derived from working with animals from bees to elephants, and people all over the world “No matter the color of their face, no matter of their ancestral race.” Born in Oklahoma two years before statehood, Doc Wood had a fascinating life from growing up on a cotton farm to pursuing a higher education to become a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine which became his life-long career, taking him to faraway places and meeting people from all over the world. This resulted in his philosophy appreciating all people, human and non-human alike: “People are beautiful. From the gorgeous movie star to the tiny baby in its crib asleep. The fat, the thin, the short and the tall. I love them all… Large and small animals and the uniqueness of each species combining their individual colors and habits bring beauty to every corner of the universe! Insects that fly or crawl, birds and bees, I love them all.”
You can read his stories in his book I Love Them All (2013, 2025).
See also: Lesson Plan: Learning About Farming in Oklahoma Using Primary Sources by Oklahoma State Libraries, 2005
A lesson plan using the photograph from Dr. Harold Wm. Wood, D.V.M., featured in the 2005 Oklahoma State Archives Week poster.
“The Pantheist World View” was first published in 1979 to provide a concise and succinct four page summary of the basic vision of life shared by most Pantheists. It was one of the first efforts of the Universal Pantheist Society, which formed in 1975, to help people learn about a way of life combining ancient inspirations with modern scientific understanding.
Revised at intervals over the years, this Kindle edition is intended to bring wider knowledge of this world view as a form of religious naturalism. The length is deliberately limited, expressing the fundamentals of Pantheism in the most brief yet authentic way we can provide.
Pantheists are persons who derive their fundamental religious experience through their personal relationship with the Universe. They feel that Nature is the ultimate context for human existence, and seek to improve their relationship with the natural world as their fundamental religious responsibility.
In universal pantheism, religion is seen as a system of reverent behavior toward the Earth rather than subscription to a particular creed. Because Pantheists identify God with Nature rather than an anthropomorphic being, Pantheists oppose the arrogant world-view of anthropocentrism.
About the Author
Despite a long religious history, dating back beyond Spinoza to the Stoics of ancient Greece and the philosophers of ancient India, there was no modern organization to represent Pantheists until the formation of the Universal Pantheist Society in 1975. The Universal Pantheist Society is the oldest known organization dedicated to modern and universal Pantheism. Today, the need for an ethical, universal approach to Pantheism has never been greater.
In Universal Pantheism, there is no creed or requirements to follow any particular belief or practices. Rather we seek to provide ways for individuals to promote their own spiritual growth and understanding. Our goal is to provide Pantheism with a unified worldwide presence — bringing Pantheists of all varieties together to share in our commonality while providing a continually growing source of information and inspiration.
Recognizing that freedom of belief is inherent in the Pantheist tradition, our bylaws prohibit any requirement for or subscription to any particular religious belief, doctrine, or creed. Persons uniting with the Society do so to further their own understanding of Pantheists attitudes, and through their fellowship with others find purposive means of expressing their faith in daily life. Our membership includes all varieties of pantheists, panentheists, religious naturalists, and other like-minded folks.
The purposes of the Society are: “to unite Pantheists everywhere into a common fellowship, to undertake the conveyance of information about Pantheism to the interested public, to encourage discussion and communication among Pantheists, to provide mutual aid and defense of Pantheists everywhere, to stimulate a revision of social attitudes away from anthropocentrism and toward reverence for the Earth and a vision of the ultimate context for human existence, and to take appropriate action toward the protection and restoration of the Earth.”